Being with Cows
The Art of Cowfulness
Being With Cows is a family-run project on our organic farm in the foothills of the French Pyrenees. We offer quietness retreats in the company our cows, inviting guests to reconnect both with themselves and a local landscape that offers an incredible abundance of natural wealth and support.
The whole project is inspired by Dave's experiences with the land and animals, the cows and also the rich variety of wildlife who are seen as the original inhabitants and true guardians of the landscape. Cowfulness is our way of describing that place of perfect quietness that can, with patience and soft surrender, be experienced in the presence of the cows.
The whole journey has found expression in the Being with Cows book, that gives a deeply honest and living insight into every aspect of the project, its twists and turns, it ups and downs, the pain and moments of total bliss and acceptance. At the heart of the project there is togetherness and a seamless sense of gratitude - and the retreats, the book, the land, the cows and the forthcoming film all serve as signposts, pointing the way back Home.
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